School Counseling Office
High School and Middle School Counselors
Jessica Taylor
M.S. Ed., C.A.S.
MA School Counselor
Last Names: A-L
Grades 9-12
Email Mrs. Taylor
315-568-5500, ext. 2152
Sheri Doell
M.S. Ed.
Middle School Counselor
Grades 6-8
Email Mrs. Doell
315-568-5500, ext. 2151
Daniel Bobbett
M.S. Ed., C.A.S.
MA School Counselor
Last Names: M-Z
Grades 9-12
Email Mr. Bobbett
315-568-5500, ext. 2155
School Psychologist/School Social Worker
Tarryn Gould
M.A. / L.A.S.
School Psychologist Middle School
Grades 6-8
Email Mrs. Gould
315-568-5500, ext. 2218
Katherine Mosca
Mynderse Academy
School Psychologist
Email Katherine Mosca
315-568-5500, Ext 2218
School-Based Community Counselors
Emily Wesoloski
Seneca County Community Counseling Center
Email Emily Wesoloski
315-568-5500, ext. 1129
Counseling Department Support Staff
Laura Wilkie
Counseling Department Secretary
Email Mrs. Wilkie
315-568-5500, ext. 2150
Fax: (315)- 712-0548
Seneca County Resource Guide
This guide provides contact information for services and supports available to the community.